Tips for Working With a DUI Attorney

In addition to potential deaths or medical issues, DUIs are also responsible for significant property damage and other issues. With that said, people pulled over for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) will need to get legal representation that can look after their needs. Consider the tips below to learn more about working with DUI lawyers as you prepare a case. 

1. How important is it to hire a DUI attorney?

A DUI charge has the potential to turn your life upside down if you're not careful. It's only the help of a DUI attorney that will help you either get found innocent or have the charges dropped. Attorneys that specialize in drinking and driving charges will make sure that your rights are protected, and they have the legal expertise and backing to look after your interest. This is important if you want to avoid jail time, expensive fines, loss of employment, and other potential problems. 

2. What are the facts surrounding your DUI arrest?

Always look into the substantiated facts of your DUI case so that you're able to learn what you're working with. If you took a breathalyzer test, you'll be charged when your result is .08% or higher. You may also still get charged if you turn down a test in states that have implied consent. When you hire an attorney, they will make certain that the officer that pulled you over had the right probable cause to do so, and that you were made aware of your rights. 

3. Have you found a quality DUI attorney that can represent you?

You'll be able to win your case when you find a credible and proven DUI attorney. They will issue you a free consultation that goes over the details of the DUI stop, and from there, you can sign a contract for their services. Be sure that you get their rates in writing on the contract so that you don't have a problem affording their services from the start of the case to the finish. A Driving Under the Influence lawyer might charge you $700 to $4,000, with a process that could last as long as a year or so. 

Let the tips in this article get you started so that you're able to move forward defending yourself against drinking and driving charges. To learn more, reach out to local legal services such as Brown & Hilderley PLLC. 
